Insecurities are fuel

By: Christina Thanarajasinghe

Coping up with an inferiority complex is a significant problem for the younger generation these days and I also have been struggling since my childhood. The pressure which is created by this society pushes me down all the time and makes me think that I’m not worthy. I was tired of the opinions of people. I have spent many nights crying alone and worrying about my insecurities.

Media and the society around us always wanted to show up a mirage in which we can easily get trapped. Wherever you go, you see many things to compare with yourself. It seems like a person who is more attractive in terms of physical appearance can be successful.

In your life too sometimes, you have met friends who developed friendships with a person just because he or she is attractive. Sometimes the teacher judges that you have no talent just because you are not pretty and sometimes, it’s even worse than you have become a part of the jokes for the people around you. I still remember the day when my music teacher sent me back to the crowd in a stage performance not because I could not perform just because I’m dark in complexion. In her opinion fairness is beautiful and talented.

I know, it hurts.

But you know what? At some point in my life, this worthless feeling turns me stronger. I realize the truth. Many books and friends helped me a lot to overcome this fear of inadequacy.

A famous author Mark Manson mentioned that the feeling of worthlessness starts when we are not ready to accept reality. We have to be open with our insecurities and our weakness. That’s the secret. It’s ok to be short or tall, fat or thin, dark or fair, etc. It doesn’t matter. When we start accepting the person who we are, none of the opinions can resist our success.

Napoleon Bonaparte was a well-known and great warrior from the French military. He was a great leader and led so many successful campaigns during that time and was a victorious emperor, but you won’t believe that he is the shortest person in his army. What about the famous scientist Thomas Alva Edison? His teachers treated him as a mentally weak person in his childhood period.

Can you believe that Rowan Atkinson, who we all know as Mr. Bean is a stammer? Even after undergoing a double mastectomy, Angelina Jolie still shines in Hollywood and she is the highest-paid actress. And a lot of achievers strive to overcome their challenges and prove to this world who they are.

See, if these people can, why can’t we?

Just take a step forward today. Be with the people who motivate you and give you positive vibes always. Open up with your insecurities, love the person who you are, and stop worrying about your weaknesses, for they are the fuel of your life journey.

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